Monday, March 24, 2008

I Am Unstoppable, I am the Cannonball

That's one of my favorite lyrics from one of my favorite songs (Cannonball), from one of my favorite bands: Five Iron Frenzy. The song has really gotten me through a bunch of tough times. It's become one of my alias' in online games but so much more. The imagery is just so appealing in that A Cannonball is a destructive and unstoppable force. I love it. That is in reference to my spiritual life of course. If times are rough, God will make me into this Cannonball. Unblemished and faultless. Just smashing through my problems like they are nothing at all. I love it. Times have been rough lately, but sitting here at the computer looking at how far I've come I know that I can take what gets thrown at me and then some. Hulking, Smashing, I come crashing; Nothing like when I was small. I am unstoppable, I am the Cannonball. That feeble coward that you knew has undergone an overhaul. I am Unstoppable, I am the Cannonball.

This post had no real moral or insight you guys can take. I just felt like posting it.


Jillian said...

Hahaha. All this time I thought you had the nickname Cannonball because it had some Italian mobster meaning.

I like this new reason even better!

Cory said...

oh, you need to listen to some five iron badly

Team Parks: Jason and Kristin said...

good use of poetry in this blog. What's the name of the bike shop in Downey your family owns. I need a new neck for my bike. Call me 4007860