Monday, July 7, 2008

from junk, to better looking junk

So in my last post I mentioned I was working on something. Here's the follow up. I basically picked this little number up at the Santa Fe springs swap meet for 4 bucks. Guy wanted ten, but talked him down. I may have still over paid but oh well. Any who. BEFORE
AFTERI didn't really know what to do with the "Sea lion" but I thought it turned out ok. Of course A pirate needs a skull in his crest. So now all I have to do is find a place to put it on the wall. Here's to picking up the paint brush once again! hopefully my next project will be better.


Cory said...

I think I found a place right above one of my book shelves. I don't know if the screw will hold it though.

Jillian said...

That looks awesome!

Anna said...

Hang your sword next to it.

Cory said...

My cutlass won't fit or look well in the place where I hung it.