Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Get off my internetz

There is more than one thing I regret to have ample experience in. Discussions over the internet seem to be a recurring nightmare in my various escapades through the interweb. I always seem to get wrapped up in some pointless argument, which I did not understand until now. If anything, I liken online discussions to car crashes. You can't help but rubberneck. It's chaotic, disorganized and ridiculous. I think it's safe to say that the internet brings out the worst in people. Discussions almost always turn into slug fests and all out bashing. I've been witness to the "very best" turning feral in an instant. It's insane. I think part of this stems from the fact that you aren't having a discussion face to face. If it were that way, you'd definitely have inhibitions about saying whatever it is that you please. Seriously, Saints turn into douches when you add internet to the equation.

I wish someone would make me moderator of the web. I would throw down the ban-hammer so hard and so often that industries would cease to exist and trolls, lurkers, and spammers alike would quake at my passing. In any case, I'm tired of getting into that kind of CRAP. I mean seriously, some of the stuff being said is scuffle worthy! Long story short, there exists a code of conduct in proper discussion that apparently did not translate into the interweb. It's a real shame. I mean if you want to talk smack of that caliber, at least man up and say it in person...and possibly prepare for a smack down/ your inevitable demise. People turn into bullies man! Seriously! I'm convinced that you cannot state a compelling argument via the internet. Further more, intelligent discussion is not possible. Somebody getting digitally butt-hurt is inevitable.

Then there is always bickering whether someone was intentionally being a jerk or hurtful or what not because the text can't seem to express the subtle facial expressions/tone of voice. I HAVE NO EMOTICON TO EXPRESS WHAT I'M FEELING RIGHT NOW! (well, it was something along those lines at least) Seriously, I wish we would leave the in depth, pissy-fit-worthy discussions for in person. In any case, Get off my internetz. Now! Your local internet provider are belong to us!


Amy said...

firstly, I agree with you completely. you absolutely should be moderator of the web. you'd have my vote hands-down.

secondly, internet discussions make me nervous. i hardly ever participate. because it's scary and i'm afraid not of what i will read in response to my comments, but of what i'll begin to think about and say to other people.

thirdly, and finally, your coining of the phrase "digitally butt-hurt" was so enjoyable i nearly wet myself.

Cory said...

Why thank you Amy, I appreciate it. I feel ya for sure in regards to saying things to other people. I don't know, is it easier to take things personally when you are having an impersonal discussion? I know I've felt myself getting irritated and sometimes falling upon personal attacks instead of real arguments.

Padfoot240 said...

I left the Lord Forums again. It is just to frustrating. Too many people get digitally butt hurt about anything.

And I think that is the crux of the online discussions. Someone gets digitally butt hurt for one of two reasons.
1) They think that they have not done their job unless everyone believes as they do.
2) They say someone personally attacked them and whine about it.

In either case, the discussion usually spirals out from there since they end up trolling others. I try to just state my opinion on whatever is being talked about and leave it as that.

Cory said...

Ya, I just don't jump into discussions on there any more. Regardless of sticking up for someone.

Jillian said...

The worst thing about jumping into a discussion is that I eventually finally get irritated and start joining in their idiotic-ness.
And the phrase "digitally butt-hurt" is genius.