Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Follow up of a follow up (if there is such a thing)

If you guys didn't know (those of you who don't go to valley) I spoke in front of the student body today. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done. I am just petrified about speaking in front of people, and that is just a single class room. So you can Imagine that this was a big shock to the system for me. I just want to thank all of you guys who have been there for me these past few days. Thanks for the encouragement and the prayer, I really did need it so badly. It was comforting to know God was with me there and I didn't mess up as big as I thought I would, So I'm glad that I could put a little more trust then I usually do into God and just take that big step and do that. It really was worth it, and I am so glad that God nudged me in that direction and allowed me to take advantage of that opportunity. It was cool and I just want to thank you all again for all of the support man. You guys are the best!


Anonymous said...

You didn't even mess up at all! I think what you said was a great finisher though, because you gave the greatest challenge to get out of the comfort zone. The student body needs that kind of encouragement.

Amy said...

yeah, tell us what you spoke about!

Cory said...

I actually don't remember what I said word for word. I didn't write anything down. Just going by the spirit up there I guess really

Amy said...

well give us the general idea