Monday, April 5, 2010

Picking up chicks

This one was rushed a bit, but I really wanted to get it done. I left it incomplete for a while so I just wanted to be done with it. Anyway, life would sure be easier if you could pick up chicks with giant robots.

It's been far too long since I've done a blog post. I keep saying I'm going to get into the rhythm of posting more than once a month, but I never follow through. I guess I need to start making time for it. I've got a few ideas how to do that though.

Life is good right now. I'm doing pretty good in school so that's awesome. A lot of stuff has got me thinking though, so I guess there's some stuff to blog about.

I finished my Good Friday artwork for the church last week. That was an experience. I thought I'd go all out this year, so I decided I'd fast before I started really painting it. This year was the first time I did it solo. Last year was a collaboration with Tom and I, and since he's going to school for art and has those college classes under his belt I figured a solo project might be a little harder. So I was a little worried that I wouldn't be able to figure out what to do or be pleased with my work in the end. I have to tell you: fasting was a good idea. God really provided me with what I needed. I've been working on a devotional every morning that focuses on one name for God each week. Since I started fasting on monday, I started a new lesson, and with that, a new name. It turns out that the name of the week was Yahweh Yireh, which means, in Hebrew "The Lord will provide." It was pretty awesome how it turned out like that. I ended up having that name coursing through my brain all day. It really helped to get over the need for food, especially since I'm at school on Mondays from 9 in the morning to 7 at night. So I had a lot of time to think about that and come up with ideas for the artwork. I was pretty proud of the end result.

I actually had a pretty size-able list of names to put on there. I just really liked those.

In any case, expect more from now on. Life is good, and he has risen indeed!


Cory said...

Intro to Judaism and a scriptural study class on the Quran and the Hadiths are pretty much the only ones worth mentioning.

Jillian said...

Awesome cartoon.
And AWESOME Good Friday work.

It always amazes me how powerful all the names of God are. Adonai... one of the best.