Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Oldies but goodies/I thought it would never come!

Spring break! It's finally arrived. To my misfortune it arrived to late for me to attend the church TJ trip this year. Epic Fail CSUF, Epic fail. Anyway, I'm free all week. Also, this saturday, come experience true nostaligia with me as I sit down to watch some good old fashion disney favorites. I'm going to dust off the old VHS player and watch such greats as the lion king, 101 dalmatians, and so on and so forth. Let me know if you want to come and if you want to bring a movie. I need to find some one who has Hercules.

Any who, I was dusting off the drawing pads the other day and came across some stuff that I thought was cool. A couple of drawings I did last year. I like looking back at my old stuff. Drawings are in no particular order. Pen and Ink version of Michelangelo's La Pieta

Angel with laurel crown

Angel with horn, and then the rest are just knights doing stuff.

Never finished this one.


Amy said...

haha "the rest are just knights doing stuff"

i love that.

as if knights doing stuff is like something that we typically encounter all the time.

too bad about not being able to go to TJ. i hope your disney movie marathon is awesome. you've got to get Niall to watch Mulan with you. he does the voices :-)

Anonymous said...

Your drawings have evolved immensely from middle school.
Dude, I was looking for Hercules vhs last week. Didn't find it. So sad.

Jillian said...

That sounds amazing! I might be able to do that since I'll be home this weekend. I have Hercules, but not on VHS...
Great drawings.

Cory said...

I've put an embargo on Niall's blog since he never added me to his blog friend list. I should invite his girlfriend instead. That would be something.

You better show up jillian. And I will take the dvd version of hercules too. I haven't seen it in ages so I don't really care.