Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Ya, I got braces...once again. Just got the top row put in today. my stupid wisdom teeth through off everything hence the braces. ontop of all of that I have to get those extracted. sheesh. My teeth hurt so I figured I'd vent on how gay the next year and a half is going to be. Go listen to the new coldplay single Viva la vida. I think it's my favorite song by them. good stuff. And while you are listening to that song, drive over to my house on friday to watch some old indiana jones goodness in all its VHS goodness. all are welcome... I kid, I can think of a lot of people I wouldn't want to be there off the top of my head. may have invited a few of them already. Better put my crowbar by the door.......

On an unrelated note, I bought the movie Diary of the dead the other day and sat down to watch it with some friends. I have to say it's my favorite zombie flick. Not only is it done through the perspective of someone video taping, it's got some pretty legit characters. I don't want to ruin it for you all, but there is a pretty cool amish guy in the flick who kicks butt? And did I mention that he is deaf?


Amy said...

dang, that's a bust. braces are no fun...especially the second time around i bet. sorry man. but...if it makes you feel any better, you are hilarious. haha "i kid, i can think of a lot of people i wouldn't want to be there off the top of my head..." hahahaha! it's funny because you're not joking.

Padfoot240 said...

Man, I've wanted to see that Diary of the Dead movie.

Jillian said...
