Sunday, August 15, 2010

Jackie's first range trip.

I took my new handgun (Jackie) to the range last Sunday with my good buddy Andrew. Man do I suck. This is no fault of the hardware, of course, I just need a ton of practice. I think I'm starting to get the feel for gripping the gun right with both hands. I never thought using guns properly would be this difficult in order to get the results I want, but it isn't that bad. It's encouraging me to do some major work! Here's some pics from the range trip:

As you can see; I was all over the freaking place.

Andrew did that with my gun. So I'm obviously the guy with the problem.

My shots are all the bottom left going up towards the center. I was walking it up. At least I was consistent...

In any case, I am still determined to master my firearms. All I need is some practice!

I figure I ought to get a list going, because lists are magical. I need to work on the following:






I think I'm going to start practicing all of this with all of my guns. It's nuts how fast you get tired pointing a gun at a target, so practice should really help me at the range. It's good to have goals!


Andrew C said...

I got some really good trigger control practice with my double action revolver. I think I put 500 rounds of .38 special down range before I even touched an autoloader. I started in the same place with shots down and to the left. With practice I was able to tighten things up.

Snap caps might be a good purchase. Can dry fire with them and have a friend randomnly load your mag with them to reveal any issues. Like leaving cylinders empty in a revolver.

Cory said...

Good Idea. I've been thinking of buying another mag. I'll pick up some snap caps when I do.