Sunday, February 18, 2007


So, today in church, I was kind of inspired. Niall threw out a good idea of starting a bible study on my blog, and I think I may do that, even though I don't know how to go about doing it. So I think I am just going to pick a book I want to work on, and take it chapter by chapter and just post my thoughts about it on here and maybe get some discussion going on. I think it would be cool. Any suggestions guys??
In other news, I'm still working on chapter 10, and I don't think I will finish it anytime soon. I 've kind of had an inspiration dry spell lately, but I think I'm definetly going to make some ground on it. I'm looking forward to finishing it and moving on to my next book. I'm hoping you guys would pray for me to get it together and finish it up.


Padfoot240 said...

I can't wait!

Cory said...

Nice, I'll make sure, afte editing my monster, to send it over to you guys.